RPI Pride Alliance’s reaction to RPI awarding an honorary degree to bigot Antonin Scalia

The RPI Price Alliance published a wordy reaction to the news that Antonin Scalia would be receiving a degree from the university at graduation. The guy is a devout Catholic, anti-abortion, anti-gay and basically just sucks as a whole.

The beliefs of Justice Scalia appear to be directly opposed to the goals and values of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as stated in the Rensselaer Plan as well as in the slogan “Why not change the world? Although this statement has focused on issues relating to sexual orientation, we believe that there is evidence indicating that Justice Scalia routinely fails to acknowledge the ways in which marginalization is upheld and replicated within our society, and that many of his rulings regarding the rights of women and people of color to equal protections under the law reflect this. We feel that the decision to honor a man who has repeatedly expressed his belief that gender and sexual minorities should not be legally protected from discrimination, and who has no strong ties to science, technology or engineering, is incredibly damaging and harmful to the reputation of the Institute, as well as to individual members of the Rensselaer community.

There’s even an petition on change.org to help get the message through to the wacky people at RPI who think this is a good idea.

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