Albany’s residential parking permit system almost a reality

From the TU today:

City lawmakers reached consensus Wednesday to divide the issue in two pieces, voting on the legislation creating the system Monday and waiting until next month to approve a separate resolution designating the specific streets to be subject to it.

Splitting the question in two will allow city agencies to prepare to implement the permit system now while officials tinker with the final maps to bring the total number of permit-restricted parking spaces beneath the 2,750 threshold allowed under state law, said Councilman Richard Conti, who represents Center Square and surrounding neighborhoods and is the measure’s chief sponsor.

Crazy to think Albany hasn’t been able to get their shit together to get this rolling, but it’s already been implemented in Troy for ever. Really exciting to see my friends not have to wake up at 8am to start feeding the meter since every street within walking distance is a metered spot. Fin-a-lly.

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